Can you check your CCTV in under 20 seconds?

You can with CheckMyCCTV! The latest updates to the test engine now make it possible to comprehensively check your Dedicated Micros CCTV system and cameras in under 20 seconds*.

As an installer or RVRC, your customers may expect (or demand) that you regularly check their CCTV system. CheckMyCCTV is a simple and most cost effective way to ensure that your customers sites and your reputation remain in good health.

CheckMyCCTV automatically and autonomously checks many aspects of the CCTV system and gives you a status report in less than 20 seconds. If you had the time, patience, and persistence, you could (probably) manually perform all the tests that CheckMyCCTV does.

If you want to give it a try, here’s the tests you’d have to perform……on your marks….get set……GO!

  • Check that you can connect to the DVR.
  • Check that the time and date is correct.
  • Check that all the cameras are working.
  • Check that the unit is recording. (Are you sure it’s recording?)
  • Check that the hard disks are working.
  • Test the network bandwidth of the DVR. (Are you losing the will to live now?)
  • Take a daily configuration backup from the DVR.
  • Check that the DVR is actioning alarms. (Are we nearly there yet?)
  • Check that the DVR is connecting to a central station on alarm, etc etc.

I think you get the picture. In all there are up to 22 individual checks that CheckMyCCTV performs on every unit, every hour of every day.

So, do you really have time to check your CCTV systems manually? Find out how much time and resource CheckMyCCTV can save you, contact us today for a FREE 14-day trial.


* Tests conducted on a standard BT Broadband connection at 6Mb/s download and 330Kb/s upload using a 2.8GHz Pentium 4 PC.

Try CheckMyCCTV free for 14 days

Contact us for a FREE 14-day, no obligation trial today, and find out what CheckMyCCTV can do for your business.

Typical users of CheckMyCCTV are:

Installers wanting to offer a higher level of support to their customers and still reduce support costs,
End-users who want to ensure their CCTV estate is operating correctly, and
RVRCs wanting to increase revenue streams by providing a CheckMyCCTV service to their customers.

CheckMyCCTV is compatible with Dedicated MicrosVista (SmartDisc, SmartTel, SmartMobile, and Navigator)HeiTel, Dahua Technology,DVR365Adata, and WatchMan DVR products. More brands are coming soon, if your CCTV system is not listed, request it today.

Register to download the CheckMyCCTV FREE 14-day Trial here